Sunday, December 14, 2008

Auto Bailout = UAW Bailout

Here we go again. The media and our elected “representatives” once again think we’re idiots with no idea what’s really going on. They are convinced as long as they throw out sound bites with phrases such as “fairness,” “hope,” “change,” "too big to fail," and the old stand by “You aren’t for people starving, are you?” that they can get away with whatever they want. They tried it with their middle of the night amnesty bill they tried to sneak past the American people and they’ve been doing it again, unfortunately with more success, for the so-called bailouts.

The latest outrage, the so-called auto industry bailout, seems destined to be pushed down our throats regardless of the will of the people. After the senate listened to the people and defeated the bill, the “President,” King George, announced he will simply by-pass the people and use the $700 billion TARP funds to “bailout” the “Big Three.”

However, the biggest question remains unanswered: why can’t the “Big Three” simply avail themselves of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process like any other business in America which finds itself in financial trouble? Airlines have operated in and out of Chapter 11 just fine for years. So again, why can’t the auto industry do the same? Three letters spell the answer: UAW.

The United Auto Workers have held a knife to the throat of the American auto makers for years. The UAW shares a large amount of the blame for the mess the Big Three find themselves in today. The Big Three have been forced to accept ridiculous contract concessions: inflated wages, FREE medical care for life, and worst of all, pay for people who aren’t working (if a plant closes or production moves, the UAW workers who are NO LONGER WORKING still get paid full wages and benefits). Is it any wonder the Big Three are in such financial trouble?

Does the UAW care? Not in the least bit. The UAW leaders no longer think they work for a car maker, they think they work for the UAW and have convinced many of their members of the same thing – never mind the fact that the pay check they receive says “Ford,” or “GM”, or “Chrysler.” It was the UAW who finally killed the “bailout” bill in the senate the other day when UAW leadership proved they still don’t get it and refused any wage and benefit concessions (of course it didn’t help that King George said he’d give them money regardless of how the senate voted).

So why no Chapter 11 for the Big Three? What would happen under Chapter 11? Well, just like the airlines, the Big Three would be able to renegotiate costly labor contracts in court and be able to shed all the bloat and fat they’re acquired over the years. Like many airlines, they would have a good chance of emerging as lean and profitable. Since that means the UAW being forced by a bankruptcy judge to give up inflated wage and benefit packages, we are told by the unions, the media and the politicians that the auto makers are “too big to fail.” Chapter 11 isn’t even mentioned as an option. The only solution we are told is a “bailout” with OUR money.

Very simply, as Barney Franks has admitted, the so-called auto industry bailout has NOTHING to do with the auto companies. Instead it is a UAW bailout and yet another attempt to buy union votes with OUR money! They think we’re too ignorant to figure it out, and that if we do figure it out, there’s nothing we can do about it. They’re wrong on the first point, but becoming increasingly correct on the second.

We the people are becoming disenfranchised like never before. We make our voice heard and it’s simply ignored. Voters in California make it clear TWICE they want marriage defined as between one man and one woman – too bad, the governor, special interest groups and activist judges simply ignore the will of the people. We tell congress we don’t want bailouts – too bad, they pass it anyways since we “don’t know what’s best for us.” We don’t want an auto industry bailout and the senate listens to us and defeats it – too bad, King George will just give them money anyway. It is getting worse and worse for we the people every day as our “leaders” happily skip down the path of Marxist socialism. Good, honest, informed, patriotic Americans are going to take being ignored for only so long.

I fear the revolution is coming boys and girls, and it’s looking more and more like it won’t be pretty…