What's this all about?
I have created this blog to share my thoughts on the nation and do my part in attempting to bring people back to the Constitution of the United States. I've named it Semper Alacer -- Always Alert, as a reminder that our founders told us we needed to remain always alert to protect our freedom and liberty. We are headed down a dark and dangerous path as a nation. Our only hope lays in reconnecting to our founders and our Constitution.
Unfortunately, it's now hip to portray our founders as nothing but a bunch of dead racist white guys and our Constitution as something that means whatever a judge thinks it means on a particular day, if it even applies at all. Far too many people think that "the government" is the answer to all their problems. Far too many fear hard work and personal responsibility, instead choosing to give up their freedom in return for a government handout. To continue down this path will surely lead to our demise.
The funny thing is, our founders warned us about all this. They told us what would happen if we began to take freedom for granted. They told us what would happen to the nation and what kinds of politicians and "leaders" we would get. They warned us what kind of people we would become. Because we've become so disconnected from them, we don't hear their words, little lone even know they spoke those words.
WE are all AMERICANS. We are not Democrat-Americans, Republican-Americans, African-Americans, European-Americans or any other kind of "dash American." WE are one: E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One. As a people, we used to understand this instinctively. However, beginning especially in the 20th century, we've allowed certain politicians and "leaders" to begin driving wedges between us. Their desire is for us to be so busy turning against each other that we ignore what they are doing to all of us. We need to come back together as one people.
There are many who would see this great nation destroyed. They know they can never directly defeat the United States of America. The only way they can destroy our nation is if we allow them to do so. And that is precisely what we are doing when we turn against each other, when we give up our freedom and liberty for the opium of "hope" and "change." Some buy into that and think they are "winning," but in the end we all lose when our nation falls.
At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin commented at the signing of the Constitution that during the convention, he had observed the Sun engraved into the President's chair. Franklin remarked on the fact that it's difficult for an artist to convey whether a Sun is setting or rising, and all during the convention, he had been trying to determine if the artwork on the chair depicted a rising or setting Sun. Franklin said with the signing of the Constitution, he was sure it represented a rising Sun. It's now up to us to determine if it's a rising or setting Sun.
Some of you may not like some of the things I have to say. To which I reply: GOOD! That is exactly why we have the First Amendment: to allow for the free and open debate of ideas. Open and honest dialog is good. It allows us to gain new insights and learn from each other.
Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray, but almost blind in service of my country. - George Washington, March 1783
And THAT is what this is all about...