Now that the election and inauguration have come and gone, it's time to get down to business without the distractions of a Presidential election. The middle of a Presidential election year was NOT the time for a third party to jump into the race (Ross Perot already proved how well that works). However, with all that over for another couple years, NOW is the time to get serious.
I think most Americans are finally coming to the realization that the two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, are only interested in "politics as usual" and increasing their own power instead of representing the people and working for the common good. If you're like me, and many other Americans, you feel completely disenfranchised from those you elected to represent you at all levels of government. Instead of just complaining about it, why don't you get serious and DO something about it?
If our country is going to survive as the United States of American and not become the United SOCIALIST States of America, like minded people must come together NOW to take charge, get involved and do something about it. We need to start talking seriously about a third party alternative to our current de facto two-party system.
One option I believe worth considering is the Constitution Party ( According to their platform, they are dedicated to restoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to their proper place, limiting government and returning power to the people.
We MUST come together NOW if our Union is to be saved. You have already seen what's gone on in ONE week since the inauguration: proposal to close GITMO and bring EXTREMELY dangerous Islamic extremists to facilities in the states, implementation of Rule 13 from Rules for Radicals by Obama against Rush Limbaugh as the start of shutting down any opposing voices, passage of a bill allowing fired employees to sue companies YEARS later for supposed "wrongs" (disguised with a catchy "Equal Pay" title), and a push for more Big Unions (remember, the employer with the largest number of unionized employees is the Federal Government). So far, everything people like me and others warned would happen if a socialist was elected president are already starting to happen.
Stand up! Get involved! Take charge! We must reclaim OUR United States of America before its too late! Remember, yes, YOU can!