Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help

Damn it, people, when is enough, enough? When are enough of you going to get fed up so we can take back our government? Are YOU going to just sit around on your butt until it's too late? Are YOU going to wait until you wake up one morning to a Marxist socialist, New World Order United States? Or are you going to have the guts and courage to stand up and act NOW?

"Green" cars are a great idea, right? A wonderful way to make you feel good about yourself, that you are "doing something about the environment?" (Never mind the dirty little secret that all of us could drive two-passenger, deathtrap SmartCars and still have NO, NONE, ZERO impact on the environment due to the pollution spilling out of places like China and India -- it really is a big planet, boys and girls.) Anyway, it turns out "green" cars are not such a good idea after all. Why? Because in our big government, big tax society, road and infrastructure budgets depend on tax revenue from gasoline taxes, and as more people buy "green" cars, those revenues are falling.

So what's the solution? In typical big-government fashion, tax you for EVERY mile that your drive in your car. How is that going to be accomplished? By installing a "device" in your vehicle which will track your movements. Did ANYONE else read 1984 and Animal Farm in high school? Do you remember the stories? You may want to read them again.

Here's some links to these proposals:
First, big government is NEVER the answer to our problems. Second, do YOU really want the government to track your every movement? How long does it take to go from tracking you in your car to tracking you as an individual? We already have the technology to do just that. In fact, if you have a newer cell phone, you're already holding it in your hand. Don't think that could happen? Using the logic of this "mileage tax" proposal, what happens tax revenue starts dropping because people aren't driving? Well, then big brother would just need to track our individual movements and tax us on those instead.

Folks, we are treading on EXTREMELY dangerous ground when ideas like a "mileage tax" with mandatory government tracking devices in you vehicle is even seriously considered.

As Benjamin Franklin observed, "We must all hang together or surely we will all hang seperately."