If you're like me, every day you wake up wondering if you shouldn't just unplug and forget about it all. The task seems so overwhelming, and after all, you're just one person. How can one person possibly make a difference against the onslaught of socialism in this country?
However, before you unplug and give up, you need to know that you are NOT alone. You are NOT one person trying to make a difference all by yourself. There are many, many more people just like you -- people who still believe in common sense, the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States of America. One of my goals with this blog is to encourage like-minded people to connect with each other, because there are things you can do to get involved and make a difference before its too late.
Here's one action item: Visit No Stimulus! (http://nostimulus.com/) and sign the petition against passage of the so-called "Stimulus" and encourage your family and friends to do likewise. No Stimulus! is a project of Americans for Prosperity (http://americansforprosperity.org/).
You CAN make a difference. Our country is the result of a few like-minded people coming together and encouraging others to stand up with them against tyranny. How do you think the individual private felt in the dark days of that bitterly cold winter at Valley Forge? He and his fellow soldiers shed their blood so that YOU can enjoy freedom today. After all they suffered for you, are you going to give up and allow our country to fall into socialism and tyranny or are you going to stand up in their memory and honor to continue the fight for freedom they began?
Remember, yes, YOU can!