I'm beginning to understand why Liberals have no problem continually raising taxes on all of us -- they don't bother to pay taxes themselves. And now, it seems like every time they're caught cheating, we're told it was just a "mistake" or "misunderstanding." What would happen to the rest of us if we made the same "mistakes" on our taxes? I seriously doubt we'd get the same "free pass."
Liberals claim they're for helping the "little guy." As far as they're concerned, "helping" is great as long as it doesn't involve them actually paying anything from their own pocket. Even studies from Liberal organizations show Liberals give very little to charity. Not only that, we're finding out now that most of them don't even pay their taxes. Instead, the Liberal solution is to take OUR money in the form of overburdening taxes to give the money to bloated government bureaucracies that end up squandering the money on worthless programs.
Real Americans see someone in trouble and they reach into their own pocket to help the person in need. Not only that, they show the person in need how to solve his own problems and better himself without relying on Big Government. Liberals on the other hand see someone in need and reach into someone else's pocket, taking that persons money and giving it to some or the other government program or special interest. In the meantime, they tell the person in need there's no solution for their problem and the best they can hope for is perpetual dependence on Big Government.
What kind of pinhead can't figure out which one is the better solution?
How much longer are YOU going to give your representatives a "pass" before you're fed up and ready to take back control of OUR government?