Dear Friend of Parental Rights,
As you have become aware, we are fighting a battle for the rights of parents in our country to direct the upbringing of their children. This foundational liberty of our American heritage has come under increasing attack from domestic courts and international law, forcing us to amend the Constitution, not to change the law, but to preserve fundamental parental rights as they have been honored in our courts since our nation’s inception.
At this time, is launching a major initiative to promote a ground-swell of citizen support, or even demand, for the passage of the Parental Rights Amendment. No doubt you have read articles that communicate the heart of our message. This initiative is its backbone.
While we have sponsors in both the House and Senate, we have no doubt that we will face opposition along the way. That is why this initiative – the "10-and-2" program – is so important. The success of our efforts to pass the Amendment depends upon this grassroots effort to recruit the citizen support we need to force an often-rebellious Congress to honor the will of the people on this major issue.
What do we need you to do?
Become a 10-and-2 PRO-Active Representative.
A 10-and-2 PRO-Active Representative is someone who, like you, cares deeply about protecting children by empowering parents, and who serves as a representative between and just ten (10) contacts of your choice.
Why do we need 10-and-2 PRO-Active Representatives?
Amending the United States Constitution is difficult by design. In more than 200 years, only twenty-seven (27) amendments have been made to this foundational document of our national government. Our plan to pass the twenty-eighth includes a need to secure 4.5 million signatures, or 10,000 from each congressional district. Our small office staff could never reach so many concerned Americans, but 10-and-2 PRO-Active Representatives can. Together, we can grow exponentially to reach a maximum number of people in a short time, with a minimum of effort by any one representative.
What will it cost me?
The only financial cost is postage: at a later date, we'll ask you to mail 30 postcards to Capitol Hill. The greater investment is your time, which we value highly. We estimate that the whole process will take about two to four (2-4) hours, generally just a few minutes at a time.
What do I need to do?
By following the simple step-by-step instructions in the 10-and-2 PRO-Active Representative packet, you can:
- Find ten (10) contacts to sign the petition and fill out some basic personal information,
- Ask each signer to donate one dollar, and you mail that in,
- Enter the necessary data at our website in a few minutes,
- Mail a few postcards to your Senator and Representatives (at a later date), and
- Recruit just two (2) more people to serve as 10-and-2 PRO-Active Representatives.
The plan is simple and straightforward – but it depends on the willingness of people from all walks of life, from every party, sect, and culture to work together to promote the Parental Rights Amendment. The time to act is now. The one to act is you.