Thursday, March 19, 2009

Get Ovet It Already!


Why are so many of you playing right into the politicians' hands? The AIG bonus "scandal" is nothing more than a gimmick to distract us from the real issues and to take the heat off the real culprits -- the very politicians who are now crying foul and feigning righteous indignation. Ever seen a magician? How do the great ones perform seemingly incredible feats? They have mastered the skill of misdirection. They get you to focus on one hand so you don't notice what the other hand is doing. Today we are seeing POLITICAL misdirection on an ever increasing scale.

The fact of the matter is, like them or not, the AIG bonuses are part of valid contracts. So are contracts now no longer going to be valid just because a bunch of people don't like the terms of the contract? That is an absolutely absurd notion. Do you not see the abuse of the Constitution for Congress to arbitrarily change the terms of valid contracts for political purposes or to pass laws that affect 70-some AMERICANS again for purely political purposes (including retroactive taxation)? If they do it for one group, then they can come for YOU next -- don't you understand that? Do you not see the incredibly dangerous road which that would lead us down?

Keep in mind as well that the very politicians drumming up public outrage are the very ones who knew about and agreed to the bonuses beforehand! Chris Dodd even inserted specific language to allow the very bonuses he's so "outraged" about now. You are playing right into their game by loosing sight of the actual target. The politicians (both Dem and Rep) want you fired up about AIG and not paying any attention to them. These "protests" are EXACTLY what they want you doing since it means you are no longer watching them!

They are doing this for two reasons: 1) Take the heat off of them since they are the ones who have caused the mess we're in AND have done nothing meaningful to fix it; 2) Even more dangerous, they want you screaming about AIG and "Wall Street greed" so you are no longer paying attention to socialist policies quietly being snuck in either through executive order or as riders to other bills.

Granted, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a company to pay bonuses to people in failing departments. HOWEVER, those are the terms of their contracts -- sounds to me like a company that should have been allowed to fail in the first place, but that's another story. The contracts are valid and EVERYONE knew about them beforehand. It's only become an "issue" now that they're being paid out. GET THE HELL OVER IT and get yourself refocused back on the real fight.

If we're too busy screaming about this and that and fighting against each other, then we are not paying attention to everything else that's really happening. Only two months into it, it is clear nothing in this administration is what it seems, everything has an ulterior motive -- don't loose sight of that! Damn it, get over the AIG bonuses and get your eye back on the ball before really bad things happen!