Are you familiar with the Missouri law enforcement report on the "modern militia movement" which recently came to public light? If not, a complete copy of the report can be found here:
So, law enforcement are now being indoctrinated that informed citizens who actually understand and support the principles and values upon which our country was founded are "militia" members who hate the police? So, now the government is putting it in writing that WE are the enemy? Thankfully there are at least a few law enforcement members who "get it" as well, as that is how this report was brought to public attention.
There keeps being a debate about if the military would act against American citizens. My opinion is that the majority of today's troops come from our defunct public education system and have little to no understanding of the Constitution or the Oath of Office which they took (not to mention gang members who have infiltrated the military) and will simply follow whatever order they're given. I know there are a few of us who understand our Oath and its Constitutional implications, but I fear we're in an ever decreasing minority both in the military and in civilian society. Look at the fact that MILITARY troops were dispatched in the recent shooting in Alabama and the public at large didn't care and the troops blindly followed illegal orders.
I hope and pray that I'm wrong, but as more and more evidence stacks up every day, I fear I'm correct. Not only has our government completely abandoned the Constitution, those of us who stand up for the Constitution and American principles and values are starting to be portrayed by the powers that be as Public Enemy Number One.
History has shown us what happens when a government decides IT is the supreme power over the people and what happens when the government singles out a group of its own people as the "enemy."
History has shown us what happens when a government decides IT is the supreme power over the people and what happens when the government singles out a group of its own people as the "enemy."