Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Scapegoat is . . . YOU!

How could the nation change so much in just two months and the majority of Americans not care (or worse, support those changes and want more of the same)? You wanted change, well you got it all right! With the road we're headed down, change is also all you're going to have left in your pockets too.

How can we have such a wholesale abandonment of American principles and values and so few people care? Why did we allow ourselves to get to the point where we have "career" politicians who no longer understand THEY work for US? It's simply pathetic.

The latest tactic being employed by our "leaders" should scare the daylights out of anyone who knows history. Join me for a brief stroll down the pages of history. What happened when times got tough in Ancient Rome? Blame the Christians -- after all THEY were the real problem. How about in 1920s and 1930s Germany with all its economic problems? Blame the Jews -- after all THEY were the real problem. Finally pick any communist country you can think of and the problems every one of them has faced? Blame the "dissenters" (i.e. anyone speaking out for freedom and liberty) -- after all THEY were the real problem.

What do all those examples have in common? They were all totalitarian governments (pick your flavor: imperialist, fascist, socialist, communist -- at their heart they're all the same: tyrannical). Next, what happened in every case where there was a crisis in the nation that might make the government look bad or the government needed to distract the people? In every case, they found a convenient scapegoat; some group of citizens the government could easily point to and say, "See, they are the problem."

So that brings us to the United States today. In the past two months, have we not seen this tactic being employed on an ever increasing basis by our "leaders?" Attacks against Rush Limbaugh, the Missouri State Police report (see below) on "militia" members and, though most might not realize it, the Democrat leadership "outrage" over the AIG bonuses are just a few examples from recent weeks. Every single one of these is designed to scapegoat a group of people as a distraction.

This constant distraction serves two purposes. First, it keeps people's attention off the failure of our elected representatives; both in being accomplices to our current problems and their failure to actually tackle and solve our current problems. Second, and even more ominous, it keeps people's attention off the dangerous sprint towards socialism in which we're headed as a nation. If we're too busy complaining about AIG bonuses, then we don't have time to notice all the socialistic policies being slipped through the cracks, either via executive order or quietly slipped in as riders to various bills.

Why do I consider the AIG bonus issue a distraction? It doesn't matter if you think the bonuses are "outrageous" or not (in fact, I say God Bless America where we still have a nation in which you can become whatever you want if you just work hard enough). Let's look at the facts, which the President and Liberals, and by extension the media, don't want to mention. The people at AIG are not receiving bonuses as a "gift." Their bonuses are part of their contractual pay agreement with AIG. In fact, they receive a small base pay and the majority of their pay comes through a formula agreed to in their contract. This arrangement has never been a secret. EVERYONE knew about it -- the President, Congress, the Fed -- everyone. In fact, Democrats specifically inserted language into the "bailout bill" which specified that employment contracts signed before a certain date (which there were) would be honored.

Only now that the contractually agreed to bonuses, which everyone knew about, are being paid out does the President and Congress fain outrage and incite the American people that this is unacceptable. How can this be anything other than scapegoating? It's despicable that the President and Congress and the Fed knew about and agreed to these contracts beforehand, but are now attempting to incite rage among the American people in order to void the very contracts they deemed acceptable months ago.

Why do this? If AIG was engaging in unsustainable business practices through paying "outrageous" salaries and bonuses, then why not just let them fail or allow them to enter into Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization like any other company? The auto industry is hurting, yet the government is not demanding they arbitrarily void costly and bloated UAW contracts. To do that would cost them union votes. This is where I see the situation as nothing more than a distraction to hide the real agenda. These AIG employees make a perfect scapegoat for the left -- they represent the "evil, greedy" rich. Mark my words, the liberal leadership will use AIG as a poster child to introduce more socialist legislation and place more restrictions on capitalism. The President has people so fired up with "hating the rich," they are blinded to the real agenda, which is socialism and continued abandonment of the Constitution.

Folks, when we see this kind of scapegoating and the portrayal by the government of freedom loving Americans as dangerous "militia," we are headed down a very dark and dangerous path. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I fear greatly that day by day, our options to peacefully take back on nation and reestablish its Constitutional basis are becoming more and more limited. This is NOT about Left and Right, this is about right and wrong. We need to come together NOW as an AMERICAN people to regain control of OUR government before its too late.

I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, or whatever. If you are a friend of the Constitution and the values and principles upon which our nation was founded, then you are my ally. Likewise, I don't care in which political party you claim membership, if your words or actions threaten the Constitution and our values and principles, then you are my enemy. Now is not the time to complacently sit on the sideline like so many have for so long. Now is the time to stand up and declare honestly if you are a friend or an enemy of the Constitution. What is your decision?