Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Public Apology

Here's one email I recently received:

PLEASE remove my address from your email listings. I am not interested in any of this and never signed up to be put on any political mail listings.
[Name Removed to Protect the Ignorant]

Mea cupla, mea cupla, mea maxiuma cupla. I feel so bad for clearly having offended at least a couple people out there. So, to make up for it, here is my public apology:

Dear [Insert Your Name Here if Appropriate]:

I humbly apologize and beg forgiveness for bothering you with trivial "political" issues such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights and the values and principles upon which our nation was founded and upon which the fate of our Republic rests. I am sorry to bother you with such petty things of which you have no interest (or don't happen to meet your party line).

I also want to sincerely and deeply thank you sending me your note. In the times we're facing, it's good to know exactly who understands it's not about Left and Right, but about RIGHT and WRONG. It's also a tremendous benefit to know not only who you can count on when the times get tough, but it's just as, if not more important to know who you CANNOT count on when the going gets tough. Thank you for letting me know ahead of time to which group you belong.

Finally, may you rest well in the knowledge that my fellow service men and women around the world are defending with their lives your right to "not be interested in any of this" or to blindly tow your party line.

Thank you and may God bless you and the United States of America.
